
Probiotics are good germs. The body is an ecosystem with millions of bacteria aiding digestion, manufacturing food for your system, killing unfriendly bacteria and looking after balance with fungi. When our ecosystem no longer has enough balance, the defense mechanisms may not function properly, yeast infections occur and you may endure your digestive system. Probiotics, a dose of good germs, can be a recently recognized answer to some of our problems.

Ellie Metchnikoff, a Russian Nobel Prize winner, hypothesized that the good health of Bulgarian peasants was through the bacteria that fermented the yogurt they ate.

Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria will be the most often used probiotics but other yeasts and bacteria for example Streptococcus thermophilus also fall under the probiotic label.

Prebiotics are foods that support the growth of probiotics. Sauerkraut, yogurt, cheese and wine use the activities of such friendly bacteria inside their creation. These foods supply not merely probiotics but the food source for that good bacteria.


One present utilization of probiotics is combating flatulence and yeast infections due to antibiotics. Probiotics also have potential for treatment of tooth decay, periodontal disease, ulcers, IBS, respiratory and skin infections.


Studies indicate that probiotics aren't always safe. The Dutch government banned their use for patients in intensive care. Ellie Metchnikoff, a Russian Nobel Prize winner, hypothesized how the good health of Bulgarian peasants was in the bacteria that fermented the yogurt they ate.

An alternative choice to probiotics is prebiotics. Prebiotics are food for the friendly bacteria already in your metabolism. Supplying a source of food helps increase the friendly bacteria which enable it to eliminate the need for probiotics.


The definition of probiotics refers to the various bacteria that reside inside our intestinal tract. These bacteria are actually useful to our bodies, providing various functions. These bacteria are good for our immune system, and principals are bringing to light how powerful these helpful bacteria might be. These good bacteria will help prevent infections by outnumbering and crowding the bad guys (unwanted bacteria or any other infectious diseases). Probiotics also help to bolster the defense mechanisms throughout the body.

Traditional utilization of probiotics has been to help problems with the GI tract. Irritable bowel, bloating and diarrhea are routine symptoms where probiotics may be used. Probiotics are commonly used to help children and adults when infectious agents, like viruses, cause diarrhea. The probiotics themselves do not necessarily kill the bugs, but assist the body through the infection. The probiotics do apparently help prevent reinfection and may even help the body produce antibodies against the infectious bug. Probiotics in addition have improved treatment rates contrary to the bacteria suspected of causing stomach ulcers. It is no wonder that given the billion plus amounts of good bacteria within our intestinal tract, these important bacteria play a crucial role in keeping this environment healthy.

The main advantages of probiotics expand beyond the intestines. In fact, there is a substantial amount of research to say that probiotics could actually help prevent respiratory infections such as the cold and flu. The growing media coverage of the swine flew has concerned many parents, teachers, school administrators and whole communities on what to perform. Fortunately, probiotics show evidence to help you prevent respiratory infections. Probiotics have benefited seniors in the prevention of infections whilst in the hospital. Probiotics have helped reduce potentially infectious bugs like staph and strep from colonizing in the nose. Taking a mix of a multivitamin and probiotics may help reduce the incidence and severity of colds and flu's for several months. The Epstein-Barr virus has become implicated in chronic fatigue. Probiotics have already been used to help treat the reactivation of the Epstein-Barr virus by helping the body's production of interferon, which helps decrease the viral load.

Other Benefits

Moreover, probiotics help prevent vaginal infections in addition to bladder infections. Probiotics are recommended to become taken during the usage of antibiotics to prevent the loss of the good bacteria in the intestines, and then for a good few weeks after to make sure that the bacterial flora is maintained after antibiotic treatment. Since antibiotics kill bacteria, many of the good bacteria could be lost as well. Antibiotics don't kill fungi (or yeast), hence the loss of the good bacteria required to police some of the bad bugs gives the yeast in the gut a major opportunity to grow beyond its welcome. This might lead to bloating, vaginal infections, thrush and also greater problems. Treatment with probiotics may help prevent these problems from ever starting. Probiotics might be dosed once a day for prevention, or two to three times daily to help treat current infections. Probiotics ought to be used alongside medical or herbal antibiotic treatments, but not in place of them. Some probiotics come refrigerated, whereas other people not. Refrigeration may not be needed, though for some brands it does ensure high numbers of probiotics in the container. Dosing for probiotics is typically done in CFU's, colony forming units, with recommended dosing starting 1-5 billion CFU for maintenance and 20 or more CFU taken 2-3 times every day when the body is fighting an infection. Side effects are extremely rare with probiotics, just some cases of infection have took place patients with indwelling catheters.